Blog Recommendations: Framework 21 and Brainwaves For Leaders

I recently started following Daniel Montano’s blog Framework 21 and have loved what I’ve seen so far. Daniel’s blog includes posts on neuroscience, cognitive sciences, health technology, entrepreneurship, and systems thinking. He includes book and podcast recommendations and articles he finds interesting with links on his blog.



Through one of his posts, I was introduced to Brainwaves For Leaders, which is another blog that seems like it was made just for me. Brainwaves for Leaders presents leadership theories backed by neuroscience, cognitive sciences, psychology, sociology, and business development strategies to improve performance, efficiency, productivity, and human relations.


Both blogs excite me and help define my visions for the future!

how the grinch stole grammar!

As a Speech-Language Pathologist, self-proclaimed word nerd, and Dr. Seuss-aholic, I absolutely LOVE this post!

Stroppy Editor

(With apologies to Dr Seuss)

Every Who down in Who-ville liked English a lot
But the Grinch, who lived just north of Who-ville, did NOT!
Whenever he thought of the language, he’d languish
In horrified anger and furious anguish!
But the funny thing was that beneath all this hate
He somehow believed, well, that English was great.
But it wasn’t the English the Whos wrote and spoke –
No! THAT made him scowl! Made him fume! Made him choke!
Made him choke!
Made him choke!

So what on earth was it the innocent Whos
Were doing so wrong with the language they’d use?
If you were to walk into Who-ville one day
You’d see lots of people with fine things to say.
They’d joke and exclaim and they’d promise and sing,
They’d chat and debate – yes, they’d do anything
That this wonderfully versatile…

View original post 1,203 more words

my top 10 recent pinterest pins

meraki geek’s pinterest boards

I’m a self-proclaimed Pinterest fanatic.  Who isn’t?!?  If you wanna get to know me, check out my Pinterest boards.  They say a lot more about me than my personal Facebook page (plastered with pictures of my kids and adventures) or LinkedIn profile (with details about my education and jobs over the past decade).  And they’re out there for the whole entire world to see (except for my private board, of which I only have one).  During this everlasting never-ending feels-like-forever journey to find myself, Pinterest helps me to not only identify and qualify what excites me, motivates me, and inspires me, but also categorizes and organizes these finds (two things I do very much love doing) and keeps them visually accessible for future reference (another thing I love doing… I have binders and folders full of pulled-out magazine pages, school handouts, etc.)  Oh, and call me anal but I am a stickler about finding the source of each pin before repinning as I’m not fond of dead ends, broken links, or sites that redirect you to the original source.  So, if any of the above applies to a pin, I’ll fix it before I pin it.  Happy unbroken source links + happy repinners/followers = happy me!

Here are my top 10 recent Pinterest pins that speak to me and about me (in no particular order).  I’m a highly visual person (I’m the type that usually only orders menu items with pictures) so in this quest to learn blogging and WordPress, I’ll attempt to insert picture links to my Pinterest pins:

me minus the pearl earrings (princess diamond earrings instead)

5 expert balance exercises

caramel apple cookie brittle

make your own crazy glasses – download, print, and decorate!

other ways to say… (synonyms)

crochet covered hangers – free pattern

10 ways to help kids get along

make a chalkboard effect in photoshop

quinoa with broccoli avocado pesto

peppermint sugar lip scrub (diy tutorial)