a to z: s is for sulking, silent treatment, shouting

What conflict resolution should look like:

What my style of conflict resolution looks like:

Haha, well, not exactly but here’s one of those cool graphic presentations by Jeff Muir illustrating conflict and the Conflict Resolution Model:

  • A to Z Challenge: S
  • Daily Prompt: Showdown at Big Sky – How do you handle conflict? Boldly and directly? Or, do you prefer a more subtle approach?

daily prompt: because the night

via Pinterest


I’m a nyctophiliac (see definition of nyctophilia here). I’m definitely a night owl. Recently, I posted “go get um’ at night,” talking about how I avoid wasted days by go getting um’ at night.

Daily Prompt: Because the Night – Are you a night owl or are you the early bird? What’s your most productive time of day? When do you do your best work?

a to z: q is for quiet time

Shh… we’re having quiet time. Quiet time is something we developed in our household for times when we parents elect quiet time for the kiddos instead of naps so the kiddos can be put to bed earlier. The kids love it because that means they can watch a movie, do a puzzle, or read a book instead of taking naps. We parents love it because that means more quiet time for us at night.

When we’re not committed to going anywhere or doing anything, I prefer quiet Saturday nights lazying around in my recliner on my iPad or laptop while the hubby watches TV. That’s my idea of a perfect Saturday night.

The past few weekends, including this one, have been far from quiet. I’m already looking forward to quiet time and the weekend has only just begun…

A to Z Challenge: Q
Daily Prompt: Saturday Night – S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y NIGHT! What’s your favorite way to spend Saturday night?

a to z: o is for ono junk food

via Pinterest


Oh this is easy

Junk food junkie in me

I’m Queen of the junk food

Feeding my mood

Lover of ono kine grindz, you see?


Be it salty or sweet

Or jerkied meat

Chocolate is tops

Add salt and time stops

If it’s chewy I admit defeat.


Coke, Skittles, Haribo gummy bears

Chips, arare, junk food from fairs

Brownie corners, Jelly Bellys

Scotchmallows from See’s

Pickle mango, li hing mui, nothing left to share!


  • A to Z Challenge: O
  • Daily Prompt: Junk Food Junkie – What’s your biggest junk food weakness? Tell us all about it in its sugary, salty glory.
  • Weekly Writing Challenge: Time for Poetry – This week we invite you to write a post – in verse or in prose – inspired by poetry.

a to z: n is for nursing home administrator

via Pinterest

At 16, I wanted to become an architect or graphic designer. I became neither.

What I become (in chronological order):
  • At 23: photography assistant (short stint)
  • At 24: high school English and Technical Science Special Education teacher (very short stint) and Substance Abuse Technician (short stint)
  • At 25: Licensed Massage Therapist – still current
  • At 27: Speech-Language Pathologist – still current
  • At 34: Rehab Services Manager (ended due to relocation)
  • At 35: Outpatient Rehab Manager/Speech-Language Pathologist (currently resigned but still provide consultation/mentoring)

Currently (at 38), I am in the process of pursuing my Nursing Home Administrator’s (NHA) license. At 16, I never even heard of an NHA, let alone a Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT) or a Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP). Yet, besides being a Mother, being an LMT and SLP (and pursuing my NHA) is what makes me and defines me. Who knew this would be the path I’d pursue?

Like my 16-year-old self, I still very much enjoy architecture and graphic design. And although, occasionally, my current self wonders what my life would’ve been like had I pursued those fields, my current self is also still very much satisfied with and proud about where I am… and what I’ve done… and who I’ve become. 16 was a long time ago and look where I’m at! I wonder where I’ll be in another 20+ years…?


a to z: m is for (sexy) meraki mom

imageEarlier today, I started composing my “M” post for the A to Z Challenge. Long story (kinda) short, I decided to change my “m is for my many mom modes” post to “m is for (sexy) meraki mom” to document this afternoon’s events and tie in with today’s Daily Prompt of my idea of “sexy.”

this afternoon…

I ended up taking a co-worker and dear friend over to Urgent Care due to heaviness in the chest, numb cheeks/lips, numb hands, and elevated blood pressure. After a few pep talks (social support), a neck massage (physical relief), taking her outside to sit on the grass under a tree and soak up some rays (change of scenery), multiple blood pressure checks (symptom evaluation), stroke assessment (to rule out CVA), buying her water and some aspirin to take just in case it was a minor TIA/CVA (hydration and blood thinner), and texting her husband, I consulted with some other co-workers and I decided to take her in to seek medical advice just to be on the safe side (against her full consent, although I’ve known her for 3-1/2 years and I know she was just trying to be strong… and stubborn). Turns out, it was possibly just anxiety, although both my friend and I are not totally convinced of the diagnosis.

meraki = sexy

Meraki essentially is putting all of yourself into whatever you choose to do. I’ve been called “intense” many times before. I don’t see myself as intense, per se, but I may come off as intense because I practice meraki. Today during my friend’s episode, I pulled together my many hats (friend, former boss, Speech-Language Pathologist, Licensed Massage Therapist, Mom, etc.) and took action. I can say with 100% certainty that my confidence as a person has exponentially grown since becoming a Mom. When I am in this mode, I feel “sexy.”

To me, “sexy” doesn’t have anything to do with clothes or body shape or how one moves. Sexy has everything to do with confidence. And strength. And totally immersing oneself into something that makes all time and space and environment disappear.

sexy = meraki + mom = me… but don’t call me “sexy” unless you wanna get punched

However, unlike the algebraic transitive property of equality, sexy does NOT equal Liane, nor does Liane equal sexy. Don’t call me “sexy” unless you wanna get punched. Really.


  • A to Z Challenge: M
  • Daily Prompt: You Sexy Thing – Tell us about your best confidence outfit. Don’t leave out the shoes or the perfect accessories.


a to z: k is for (my loving and loved) kids

When will I be loved? I think I’m already a pretty darn loved and loving person, especially to my kids. Since when does fame equal love? No one needs to be famous to be loved. My kids’ love for (ordinary) me and my love for them is all I need.

A – bear hugs, B – our family of 5, C – love letter

  • A to Z Challenge: K
  • Daily Prompt: When Will I Be Loved? – Have you dreamt of becoming famous? What would your claim to fame be? Comedy? Acting? Writing? Race car driving? Go!
  • Weekly Writing Challenge: Fifty – No rules. Just stick to the word count — no more, no less than fifty words.

a to z: j is for (mellow) jelly belly



Jelly Belly jelly beans

Gotta be Jelly Belly

Texture no other can beat

Flavors no other can beat

Bubble Gum, Tutti-Fruitti, Watermelon, Top Banana, Cotton Candy, 7UP

Oh how I miss you Caramel Apple

Get outta my box, Buttered Popcorn and Toasted Marshmallow

Bite um in half


Be mellow

  • A to Z Challenge: J
  • Daily Prompt: Have You Never Been Mellow? – After a long day at work or school, what are your favorite ways to wind down and decompress?
  • Weekly Writing Challenge: Fifty – No rules. Just stick to the word count — no more, no less than fifty words.

a to z: i is for i fight the power (unemotionally)

Warning: humor + feminism + past experiences + insight = my opinionated post that some may find offensive.

In the corporate workplace, personal characteristics are scrutinized. Performance is appreciated, but who you are is constantly under judgment. People’s characteristics fuel office politics and gossip. Not achievements. Not the people themselves for who they are.

These characteristics are ambiguous and subjective and highly dependent on situational variables and industries. Impartiality in an educator could be negatively viewed as cold and unaccommodating; yet, impartiality in a judge may be positively viewed as logical and unbiased. Even further, impartiality in a teacher may be negative when working with students with special needs, yet positive when mediating an argument between two students.

Fighting authority, for one person, may mean asserting independence (aggressively and individually standing up against unjust authority). For another, fighting authority may mean rebelling against unrealistic demands (maybe in the form of passive aggressiveness). How one chooses to expose these characteristics results in corporate labels. “She’s one of those people who does her own thing.” “She’s one of those people who doesn’t do shit for herself.”

Above is my list (in no particular order other than alphabetical) of my own characteristics and my own opinion of where I usually am on each continuum of characteristics. The reason for this list is to better explain what I’m like when I emotionally fight corporate authority. With the exception of “impartial,” all other characteristics slide all the way to the right… to the “too much” side. That’s me in a nutshell when I’m partaking in emotional fighting. Conversely, when I’m too complacent and feeling “low,” I tend to slide all the way to the left side, again with “impartial” as the exception, sliding all the way to the right.

When I fight authority and take a non-emotional stand against “the man,” I win. In reality, I think what really happens is that I’m able to create a situation that doesn’t need fighting. So essentially, I win. We all win. No anecdotal advice on how to win here. Just a combination of characteristics that just so happen to work well together (in my opinion) to take an unpleasant/unfair/negative situation and transform it into an amicable one… as long as I remain unemotional. That’s how I win.