a to z: k is for (my loving and loved) kids

When will I be loved? I think I’m already a pretty darn loved and loving person, especially to my kids. Since when does fame equal love? No one needs to be famous to be loved. My kids’ love for (ordinary) me and my love for them is all I need.

A – bear hugs, B – our family of 5, C – love letter

  • A to Z Challenge: K
  • Daily Prompt: When Will I Be Loved? – Have you dreamt of becoming famous? What would your claim to fame be? Comedy? Acting? Writing? Race car driving? Go!
  • Weekly Writing Challenge: Fifty – No rules. Just stick to the word count — no more, no less than fifty words.

a to z: h is for hawaiian hug

Hug O’ War illustration by Shel Silverstein

Here in Hawaii, we use the Hawaiian handshake – a hug. Hugs in Hawaii are for greetings, expressions of love, and sacred representations of trust. We hug friends. We hug strangers. We hug people we haven’t seen in a while and we hug people we see all the time. We hug girls and boys, Aunties and Uncles, nieces and nephews, teachers and co-workers. We connect and communicate on a level that a handshake and words cannot.

For some, the full-body local hug has evolved into a cheek-to-cheek kiss involving an audible smooch with hands strategically contacting each others’ shoulder, arm, or elbow. However, I still prefer to give and receive real ol’ fashion hugs. It feels much more natural to me than the half-lean-in-half-cheek-touch-body-contorted-lip-smacking-*smooch*.

Hawaiian hugging involves respectfully and lovingly opening yourself up to another person. You’re close enough to feel body heat and exchange breath, yet not too close that it’s uncomfortable. The embrace lasts for just enough time to connect and disconnect, but not too brief or overstayed. It happens simultaneously yet doesn’t need planning or discussion or even any thought, for that matter. Nonverbally, hugs convey so much.

In Hawaii, friendships start with hugs.

  • A to Z Challenge: H
  • Daily Prompt: Why Can’t We Be Friends? – Do you find it easy to make new friends? Tell us how you’ve mastered the art of befriending a new person.

a to z: e is for…

Today’s A to Z post is dedicated to my Mom. I surprised her with her very own blog today. Exciting times!

  • educated:
    • highly educated and always stressed the importance of education with us
    • believes in lifelong learning
  • encouraging: always our biggest cheerleader and supporter
  • entertaining:
    • relating to the “interesting” genetic mannerisms/things she says
    • enjoys entertaining and hosting family gatherings
    • leads an interesting and cultured life
  • ever-loving: through thick and thin during good times and bad
  • exciting: always on the go, adventure after adventure

Check out her “About” page and the first post I wrote explaining why I did it. Enjoy!


to the real bullies of the world (mom bloggers)

Perfect post re: blogging mothers + insensitivity = judgmental bullies. I was never as aware as I am about sensitive issues/choices and opinions prior to becoming a Mom. As Mothers, our parenting choices are constantly under scrutiny. As we research and attempt to validate our choices, the more opinionated and confused we become. Instead of believing in ourselves and supporting each other, we either ignore those whose choices are unwavering (for being so black and white) or fall into a circular pattern of confusion by experimenting with everything that everyone else is doing. We need to trust that we know what’s best for our families and support each other during this journey.

Jane Eyre Likes Cupcakes


0. Cover & Gateways.indd

You are part of a blogging community that rivals, if not exceeds, the size of my own: indie authors. I’m not going to lie and pretend that I make a point of reading very many parenting blogs. If I happen to know the author, or there’s a really interesting hook, I’ll devote the time to it. But I’m not a mom, and I don’t plan on ever becoming one.

“So what?” you might reasonably ask. “You aren’t a lot of things, but I’ll bet you still read about them.”

While I’m not entirely certain I’m comfortable with you arguing with me on my own blog, it’s a fair point.

But I have another reason for avoiding most mom-themed blogs: They tend to be overly judgmental. Bear in mind, that this is a newspaper editor and wanna-be indie author saying this. I’m…

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