striving for meraki + geeky perfection = NOTHING

Okay, so I started this blog on 12/1/13 with all intentions of posting and maintaining it.  Even relentlessly been taking pictures of all my creations and ideas for possible blog posts.  However, big caveat here to being an OCD perfectionist: with all this planning and strive for perfection and feeling like I need a logo and this and that before I can start and in order to create a logo I need to perfect Photoshop first and when attempting to perfect Photoshop I realized the version I have (Photoshop 7.0) is over a decade old and that I need to upgrade but that I should sell some stuff on eBay to fund this upgrade, etc. etc. etc. (I think you get the picture)… I NEVER GOT STARTED ON ANYTHING (other than listing 22 items on eBay).

So here I am attempting to start again.  Small simple steps and just trying stuff out…like inserting this photo of a honu (turtle) I painted last week at a “Paint the Night Away” ( event that really challenged and impacted me (I’ll elaborate more on another post).  There’s probably tricks and ways to link and tag this photo that I have yet to discover, but I didn’t let it stop me from posting this.  My left brain has been in overdrive mode and I need to stop over thinking and just start doing!

1/23/14 – honu (first acrylic painting)

Thank you for sharing this journey with me.  Oh, and if you have tips/tricks/words of wisdom, please feel free to share and comment below!