baby b’s 1st tooth fairy visit

Yesterday at school, Baby B’s (5 years 8 months) first tooth fell out. It’s been shaking for a while now. Son C (8 years 9 months) wanted to shoot it out with his Nerf gun the night before but I nixed that idea.

She was stoked but twin sister (Baby A) was sooo upset and jealous that her tooth’s not even shaking yet. Oh well, even if they’re identical twins, not everything is gonna be the same (or equal) all the time. She wrote her letter and the tooth fairy left her some cool erasers and $1.

This is my tooth. I already putted my tooth in a Ziploc bag. Are you a boy or girl? My tooth came out today.

“a window (peace sign), a rocket (lava lamp), a flower, and a owl erasers”


a to z: k is for (my loving and loved) kids

When will I be loved? I think I’m already a pretty darn loved and loving person, especially to my kids. Since when does fame equal love? No one needs to be famous to be loved. My kids’ love for (ordinary) me and my love for them is all I need.

A – bear hugs, B – our family of 5, C – love letter

  • A to Z Challenge: K
  • Daily Prompt: When Will I Be Loved? – Have you dreamt of becoming famous? What would your claim to fame be? Comedy? Acting? Writing? Race car driving? Go!
  • Weekly Writing Challenge: Fifty – No rules. Just stick to the word count — no more, no less than fifty words.

weekly photo challenge: reflections


My identical twins reflecting each other (read on about mirror image twins) as I capture their reflections in the mirror.  Ha, too cheesy?  Too literal?

We got the girls tested shortly after birth and they came back identical.  In utero, they had their own sacs but shared a placenta, but we still did the DNA test to confirm they were identical.  Although identical, I’ve always thought they were mirror image twins even before they showed hand dominance (although they both ended up being righties).  Mirror image twins are identical twins (one egg) that split a little later than “normal” but not late enough to be conjoined.  Simply put, they’re identical twins who have mirrored characteristics (when facing each other, it’s as if they’re looking into a mirror).

  • Baby A (pictured in white): 1st born, 7 lbs 8 oz, used to only have left dimple, hair parts to right, uncoordinated, extremely joyful, extremely right-brained, extremely girlie
  • Baby B (pictured in blue): 2nd born, 7 lbs 12 oz, used to only have right dimple, hair parts to left, extremely coordinated, extremely intense, extremely left-brained, extremely non-girlie

The craziest thing is that their reflections look like each other in the mirror.  Catch a glimpse of them in the mirror and they’ll confuse even the most confident person about their identities.  This really throws us off when we’re driving and I can tell who is who by their speech and what they’re saying, but I’ll glance in my rear view mirror and what I see does not match what I hear.  It’s a phenomenon I dubbed “auditory-visual mismatch”, which can throw your whole body and mind into a whirlwind of confusion.

Twin behavior and characteristics are just amazing to observe.  Of all the times I check in on them when they’re sleeping, at least 75% of the time, they’re positioned either completely identical or completely opposite.  They also have opposite beauty spots on their faces.  I could go on and on about twins but I’m trying to keep to the weekly photo challenge: reflections so I’ll stop here…for now…