a to z: vision and wisdom


Tatsumi: “Powerful” – My spirit is assertive and persuasive.

Your strong leadership and your ability to inspire others to follow your vision releases my powerful spirit. May your endeavors always succeed and bring prosperity to your life and to the lives of those who help you.

One of my dear friends and coworkers (previously my subordinate, currently my superior) gave me this kimmidoll as a gift yesterday.

(Missed “v” yesterday as I was recruited to do some audits and training on top of treating patients and studying so time has been even more scarce.)

  • A to Z Challenge: V and W

Blog Recommendations: Framework 21 and Brainwaves For Leaders

I recently started following Daniel Montano’s blog Framework 21 and have loved what I’ve seen so far. Daniel’s blog includes posts on neuroscience, cognitive sciences, health technology, entrepreneurship, and systems thinking. He includes book and podcast recommendations and articles he finds interesting with links on his blog.



Through one of his posts, I was introduced to Brainwaves For Leaders, which is another blog that seems like it was made just for me. Brainwaves for Leaders presents leadership theories backed by neuroscience, cognitive sciences, psychology, sociology, and business development strategies to improve performance, efficiency, productivity, and human relations.


Both blogs excite me and help define my visions for the future!